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Grammarway 3 With Answers Pdf 90: Learn English Grammar with Exercises and Solutions

I lnlroduc I ion . Grammarway 3 is the third book in afour-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners ofj the English language at intermediate level. The book is availablein two editions -with or without answers ' -and is suitable forself-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at thislevel. The aim of the book is to help learners understand Englishgrammar structures through comprehensive theory tables andfunctional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractivephotographs and illustrations. The book adheres to the principlethat every structure should first be heard, then practised in oraland, finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colourvisual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak beforewriting, and allows them to practise English structures through avariety of enjoyable and useful activities.

presentation of grammar structures by means of visual promptssimple, concise explanations of the grammar structures examples ineveryday conversational English, together with a few expressionsshowing slightly more formal use exercises practising the newstructures, to help learners use correct, appropriate patterns ineveryday situations speaking and writing activities to practise thenew structures in oral and written form a revision box in eachunit

Grammarway 3 With Answers Pdf 90

The Student's Book is accompanied by a Teacher's Bookcontaining: guidance on presenting the theory of each unit, with orwithout Picture Flashcards a full key to the exercises in theStudent's Book four tests in two separate versions each

+ Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb (listen, watch,etc.), but after the verb to be and auxiliary or modal verbs, suchas do, can, must, etc. The adverbs rmdy, 3d&m and n e w have anegative meaning and arl with the word FPm

State verbs are verbs which do not normally have continuoustenses because they describe a state rather than an action. Theseinclude: verbs which express likes and dislikes: like, love, hate,dislike, enjoy, pre etc e.g. Cathy likes romantic films E- * verbsof perception: believe, I M, notice, remem- ber, forget, recognise,understand, realise, seem, think, etc. e.g. 1 don't believe a wordhe's saying. verbs of the senses: see, hear, feel, taste, look,smell, sound. We often use ca- w could with these verbs when werefer to wl we see. hear. etc. at the moment of speaking. e.g. Thesoup tastes delicious.

i especially with time expressions such as for, since, I such ashave, like, know, be, etc. In thls case, we often use for andsince. They have been friends for twenly years. (They met eachother twenty years ago and they are still friends.)

The present perfed is also used for an action which has happenedwithin a specific time period, which is not over at the moment ofspeaking, such as today, this morning1 afternoonlweeklmon thlyear,etc. She has received three faxes this morning. (The action hasbeen repeated three times up to now and may happen again becausethe time period - this morning - is not over yet.) She receivedthree faxes this morning. (The time period - this morning - isover. It is now afternoon or evening).

Liz and I are good friends. We knowlhave known each other forfour years. Sarah is very tired. She has been workinglis work- inghard all day. 'Where is John?' 'He's upstairs. He doeslis doing hishomework.' I can't go to the party on Saturday. I am leaving1 havebeen leaving for Spain on Friday night. Jane has finishedlisfinishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with herfriends. I didn't recognise Tom. He lookslis looking so dif- ferentin a suit. I don't need to wash my car. Jim washeslhas washed itfor me already. Ian has been talkinglis talking to his boss for anhour now. Claire's train arriveslhas arrived at 3 o'clock. I mustgo and meet her at the station. 'Would you like to borrow thisbook?' 'No, thanks. I have readlhave been reading it before.''Where are you goingldo you go?' 'To the cinema. Would you like tocome with me?' Have you seen my bag? I am searchinglhave beensearching for it all morning. 'Is Colin here?' 'I don't know. Ihaven't seen1 haven't been seeing him all day.' Sophie is veryclever. She is speakinglspeaks seven different languages. We aremovinglhave moved house tomorrow. Everything is packed.

Who ...... hae been ualng ....... (use) my toothbrush? 'What...................................................... (youldo)?''I ........................ (write) a letter.' a m a n t d............................... (play) tennis with friends everyweekend. Tim and Matilda ........... ................... (be)married since 1991.

................... ........ I .. (normallylcut) my hair myself.Linda ......................... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (study) in the library for three hours. We..................................... (play) in a concert nextweekend. Who ..................... .... ..... . . . . . . . (read)my diary? Tim ................... .. ..... .............. (leave)the house at 7 o'clock every morning.................................. (your motherlwork) in a bank?........................ ... ..... (youldrink) coffee with yourbreakfast every day?

Hi Peter. I 1) ... haven't: men... (nottsee) you for a longtime. Hi Molly. 1 2)........................................................ (travel)for the past two months. Really? 1 3)............................................... (plan) a trip atthe moment. 1 4) .................................... (leave) nextmonth for Australia. That's great. 5) ....................... .......................... (yoularrange) a place to stay once you getthere? Yes, a campsite. It 6) ............................... (be)a very nice place. And 7 )................................................. ( o u / b u )your ticket yet? No, not yet. Actually, 1 8) ............................. (go) to the travel agent's this afternoon to buy it. Oh. 19) ........................................ (go) into town latertoday. You can come with me in my car. Thanks. 1 10).......................................... (meet) my brother forlunch at 1 o'clock, so I'll come to your house at 2 o'clock. Great!See you then.

a Choose the correct answer. ' .. C... your sister recently?''Yes, she came to visit last weekend.' A Have you been seeing B Youhave seen C Have you seen 'I didn't know Sarah could drive.' 'Ohyes, she ............. since last April.' A has been driving 6 hasdriven C is driving 'Where is Jason?' 'He ............. at theswimming pool.' A is being B is C has been 'This is a great book.''I know. I .............. it twice already.' A have read B amreading C have been reading 'Hello, Jane. I'm home.' 'Where haveyou been? I .............. for you all day!' A have been looking Blook C am looking 'Are you having a holiday this year?' 'Yes, I.............. to Hawaii.' A am going B have been C have gone 'Whodoes your hair for you?' 'My mother usually .................. it.'A is cutting B cuts C has cut 'Your socks are all wet!' 'Don'tworry. I ................. another pair with me.' A am bringing Bbring C have brought 2ff7e9595c

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